

The last example in Mixed Strategies was the game of Catching the Queen:    




It turned out that holding 10x East can drop the ten with any fre­quency between 1/ 3 and 2/ 3 and as long as he stays within those limits finessing is the optimal strategy for South.

(thus, the 10 should be treated as any other spot card)



W      E












It was also stated that a fully random frequency (ie1/ 2) gives South the smallest amount of information but it wasn't explained what in fact information is and how to measure it. Let's try to make up for this.


When do we get more information, when do we get less information? 

It depends on the probability of the event we were informed about – the more unexpected the outcome, the more information we get. If the opponents are kind enough to inform us that the five missing trumps are not divided 5-0, this will hardly be sensational news since it happens most often. However, if one of the opponents reveals he's void of the suit, the in­formation we get will be more substantial since void occurs relatively seldom.

The other consideration is the usefulness of the information received. It may happen that the information about the void is hardly useful since the contract is doomed any­way. In general, though, the more information we have, the better.

The amount of information is measured by the following formula:




P = the probability of the event we were informed about

lob = binary logarithm (the base = 2)


Let's calculate how much information we receive being given the answer YES where both YES and NO are equally likely (both have P = 1/ 2).

We get exactly 1 (since 1/ P = 2 and lob 2 = 1 (2 to the power of 1 = 2) ), and since the unit of information is called bit we say we received 1 bit of information.

The word bit is derived from binary unit.

The digits in binary system, 0 and 1, are also commonly, though incorrectly, called bits.They should be called binits from binary digit .

As the probability of YES grows, the information received diminishes (eg for P = 70% we get half a bit) and when it finally reaches 100% the information shrinks to 0 (bits). As the probability of YES diminishes, the number of bits grows (indefinitely).

That the above formula for the amount of information is a reasonable one is at once seen if we consider a set of more events: A, B, C...  We can be informed about A ei­ther immediately or gradually (eg first that it's either A or B and then that of the two it's A). In both cases we should receive the same number of bits and, what can be easily checked, this is really so.

Entropy or Uncertainty

Facing a dilemma “Does such and such happen?” we are in the state of uncertainty:  YES or NO? This uncertainty can be measured by calculating the average number of bits we'll receive when we are informed what happened:

p( YES ) lob


+ p( NO ) lob


p( YES ) p( NO ) = probability of events

( of course   p( YES ) + p( NO ) = 1 )

p( YES )

p( NO )

The uncertainty calculated in such way is called entropy and one can say it measures our need for information or the degree of our lack of information. It's believed that the entropy of the universe as a whole is relentlessly growing everything is moving towards chaos and uncertainty of what? where? is grows.

( entropy is artificial word: Greek en-tropia means turning towards the center )

Playing bridge we should strive to make opponent's entropy the biggest possible.

Let's watch this in the fight for tricks below:



a priori probability:

South plays a small to the 9 and regardless of the fre­quency East chooses to win with the Q (or the J) a small to the 10 remains the optimal play in trick two (since the probability of QJx will never be greater than that any other)



W      E



1/ 3



1/ 3



1/ 3





Thus, East is given complete freedom in departing from randomness he can take the trick with, say, the Queen with any frequency: 0–100%. And doing so he won't loose anything since the optimal strategy for South remains the same. But... does East really lose noth­ing?

Let's calculate the average entropy for South as a function of P = the frequency of East playing the Queen:

If East played the Queen (P) the ratio of probabilities AQJ:QJx

changes from1:1 to 1:P, and entropy = ...

If East played the Jack (1–P) the ratio of probabilities QJx:AJx

changes from 1:1 to 1–P:1, and entropy = ...

Thus, the average entropy is given by the formula ...    

(we are skipping the details. Writing a small program seems best.)

And, finally, we can draw a table:

P  =












average entropy =












Thus, South is the least certain how things really are, ie he faces the greatest entropy, if East, holding QJx, chooses his honor at random (50% the Queen, 50% the Jack). That's what we anticipated since the problem is a symmetrical one and the Queen and the Jack are equals.

There are more subtle problems, however:

Catching the King with the Ten

Let's consider the following fight for tricks:

South, the declarer, plays the Queen from dummy:        

(let's consider 600 random deals for each case)




Deals with given discards:    

For example, in the first layout West can reveal his two cards in six ways.

Thus, two given discards are six times less probable.



W      E



E has to play the King

600 : 6 = 100




600 : 2 = 300



E has to play a spot

600 : 2 = 300






The South strategy depends on the frequency of East's playing the King in all dubious lay­outs (K6).

If less than 100 times (out of 300)

South leads to the Jack next and guarantees himself victory on 400 deals.

If exactly 100 times

after taking the King with the Ace South can as well finesse on the next round but he wins the same 400 times.

If more than 100 times

South finesses next and wins more often than 400 times!

Thus, East should play the King with any frequency not exceeding 1/ 3.

The game above was analyzed in the book “Bez impasu” (Andrzej Macieszczak and Janusz Mikke, 1980). The authors made a mistake, though (assuming, it's hard to tell why, that West has one given spot card), obtaining a false frequency of 1/2. Apart from that effort it seems that there were no published analyses of similar problems although frequencies are sometimes given (the Bridge Encyclopedia gives the correct frequency of 1/3 for a twin problem so one can assume it also applies to the present one).


The question arises:

Is it irrelevant how often East covers with the King ?

( provided he does so less often than 1 time in 3 ).

It turns out that he should cover in a manner that makes the South entropy the greatest pos­sible!

The scheme of calculations is like in the last problem. The results are:

p =









average entropy =









Thus, East should play the King with the frequency = 1/ 4 !

In the 300 deals analyzed he should play the king 75 times and a small card 225 times, making South face the following dilemma:

if the King appeared it's 100 against 75 for K10 ie 4:3

if a small card appeared it's 300 against 225 for K76 ie again 4:3 !

It turns out that this result is not accidental. It can be easily proved that (theorem):

In such trilemma the entropy is the greatest when the dilemmas

have the equal proportion of probabilities.

This will spare us laborious calculations in the future.

At the time of writing the author hadn't any similar deliberations as a model at his disposal. Everything he had were the definitions of information and entropy. Some verification of the present material, and especially of the notion of average entropy, would be welcome.


That's how entropy could be called for bridge purposes.

Since the entropy of a dilemma falls within the range from 0 to 1 bit, it can be expressed in percentages:  0% = everything is known, 100% = nothing is known (pure guess).

If there are more than 2 events, the entropy should be divided by the binary logarithm of the number of events.




Pikier writings