NAtu­ral DI­Rec­tives



We need a set of prin­ci­ples to grasp the whole scope of bid­ding, and in par­ticular to de­ter­mine in a given bidding se­quence:

1) What to bid with a given hand ?

2) What is part­ner's hand like ?

To formu­late this set we shall use axio­matic method, ie:

1)    several (3) princi­ples shall be adopted as the evi­dent truth (axi­oms) – not re­quiring  a proof

2)    axioms will lead us to logical con­clu­sions

3)    a method of de­duc­ing all fur­ther conclu­sions will be out­lined and ap­plied to any bid­ding  situa­tion.

Such an entire sys­tem shall be some­thing what may be called „axio­matic al­go­rithm”.


Axioms will be hence called „DIRECTIVES” be­cause they are not formal­ized laws (my knowl­edge is inade­quate for that) but only gener­al­ized rec­om­men­da­tions, de­fining your proce­dure in the course of auction.

Obviously, the adopted di­rec­tives must be fun­da­mental and gen­eral. Not just be­cause such is the pro­ce­dure in axio­mati­za­tion, but be­cause the method of bid­ding gen­erated this way will be – with high prob­abil­ity – the very real natural bid­ding. This shall be:





There is some­thing pre­sent by na­ture in any bidding sys­tem: – the ex­change of in­formation between bid­ders. That will be the starting point for for­mulation of the axi­oms–di­rec­tives.

The natural question how such an ex­change should take place and what it should be based upon – quite nor­mally di­vides into three de­tailed ques­tions:

When to in­form ?     ie (ap­proxi­mately): when to bid and when to pass (not to bid) ?

What to in­form about and how to in­form ?     ie about what val­ues and in what way ?

To what extent to in­form ?    ie when to transmit more in­forma­tion and when less ?

The NA­DIRs ( NAtu­ral DI­Rec­tives ) are gen­eral an­swers  to these ques­tions !

There are three NA­DIRs:




Strength As­surance Di­rec­tive

giving to­gether a mne­monic





Revealing Ex­tras Di­rec­tive




Precision Adjust­ment Di­rec­tive







Pikier Writings

